La Fabrique Nomade

Updated: 14/09/2018

Solution provider

La Fabrique Nomade is a French association that strives to remove the barriers to employment for refugee craftsmen and women

The linguistic barriers, lack of social network, non-recognition of their qualifications force many migrants and refugees to choose low-skilled jobs unrelated to their trade making. This leads to underemployment, loss of mark and identity, and social exclusion. We offer refugee craftsmen a unique inclusion program which aims to foster their adaptation to the job market and their autonomy, by helping them find sustainable employment in their field, promoting their social and cultural participation and changing the public perception of refugee integration in France.

Thus we developed a specific program articulated around three main objectives:

- Promoting a qualitative and stable insertion into the labour market for migrants   

- Boosting the local economic activity in the craftwork sector with skills that are coming from foreign countries

- Fostering the social link in our society thanks to intercultural exchanges between migrants and locals

La Fabrique Nomade fosters the inclusion of migrant and refugees' craftsmen and women into the labour market through the scaling-up of their capacities. We aim for the refugees to get a better understanding of the French craft sector, how it works, what kind of craft products are pursued and how to work in a French company. With that perspective in mind, our program includes the following actions that aim to improve the employability of craftsmen and women: professional collaboration with French designers, cultural visits to museums and professional workshops, workshops on how to present your skills on the French labour market, and finally a two months internship within a French company.

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