Brussels International Centre for Research

Updated: 14/08/2018

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We are a Brussels based research organization that works to produce valuable insights into policy debates and political actions taking place in the MENA, SAHEL and European neighbourhoods. We work to promote understanding between groups, and try to foster cooperation and collaboration between actors. Our mission is to discover solutions to the consequences of conflict.

The Brussels International Center for Research (BICr) is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental research organization based in the capital of Europe that is dedicated to researching the multilevel ramifications of conflict and its effect on the individual. 

We use the diverse backgrounds and experiences of our team  to produce valuable insights into policy debates, regional developments, and political action taking place in the MENA, SAHEL and European communities. As an organization we utilize our interdisciplinary strengths to analyze fragile political settings and activate rehabilitation and integration efforts across cultural boundaries. We feel it is important to continually be mindful of all sides of the story and different perspectives. 

In addition to our research, the BICr also hosts events, organizes workshops and facilitates cooperation between organizations. Much of this work is done by the BICr outreach department. Our aim with these projects is to help foster support communities and promote multicultural networks.

Our projects aim to ease the transference of skills and knowledge between groups, such as refugees and local residents. We aim to show the multiple benefits of integration, for the individual integrating, the people they interact with and the communities they join. In this next year we are focused on changing the way in which refugees are integrated into Brussels and the surrounding areas.

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