Konfetti e.V.

Updated: 30/07/2018

Solution provider

Building the open source Konfetti App to bring old and new neighbors together - helping to self organize for a better and stronger local community.

We started 2015 as a volunteer project at the refugee hackathon in Berlin with the goal to build an app that helps to bring new arriving people together with the existing long term residents as neighbors. The app should work as a digital gateway into meeting and cooperation in real life - making the neighborhood into better place - together for all.

2016 the first open source prototype was ready. We usability tested it together with the TU Berlin (technical university) and created a redesign with the help of the UDK Berlin (university of arts). 2017 we joind the the 2nd round of the Prototype Fund (Open Knowledge Foundation & Federal Ministry of Education and Research) to build the Prototype 2.0 of the Konfetti App and founded the Konfetti e.V. to sustain further development and work with local communities.

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