RuralVive - Agência para o Desenvolvimento Rural

Updated: 20/12/2017

Solution provider

RuralVive is specialized in the formation of new entrepreneurs and rural entrepreneurship. Our goal is to recover races and species of plants and animals that are indigenous and ancient traditions.

We consider that RuralVive is essential in the strategies for development. This allows people to have knowledge about territorial reality, creation of new atractions that improve the quality of life from the resident people. This is a contribution to revitalisation of local economy and manufacturing, it promotes well-being and living situation that donate to self-esteem and local identity. This aid to the development for a group of consistent images about the territory that allows to develop of a "national brand" and this promotes the territory itself. RuralVive wants to project the territories with low population density to another level such as regional, national and global. It is with the implementation of the project that we contribute to the construction of a favorable, attractive and persuasive image of the territory in order to maintain the resident population and formulate creative strategies to capture certain target audiences according to their interest.

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