

In January 2015, Austria had 8.6 million inhabitants. In 2050, the projected population size with zero migration is 7.9 million, amounting to an 8% decrease. Taking migration into consideration, however, Austria’s population is expected to grow to 10.5 million by 2050. (Wittgenstein Centre). In 2017, 16.4% of Viennese residents are over 65 (Statistik Austria), with an average life expectancy of 80.15 years (MA 23). Innovative ways of involving the elderly in civic and economic activities could improve their welfare, benefit the economy and increase integration.  
Furthermore, according to the Vienna Integration and Diversity Monitor 2011-2013, 34% of non-EU nationals with higher qualifications are employed as unskilled or semi-skilled workers. In Vienna, 24% of residents eligible for voting are excluded from this right because of their foreign citizenship (Vienna Integration and Diversity Monitor 
2011-2013). Novel means of civic participation and employment could reduce these inequalities.

Start-ups and private projects can add an important bottom-up dimension to tackling the challenge of social integration of marginalized groups. For instance, by making the connections between the skills and competencies offered by marginalized groups and the needs that exist in the market, businesses can create new job opportunities. Digital solutions that help communities connect on a local level are another example of how innovation can fight against marginalization while increasing civic participation.


In 2015 the mayor of Vienna Dr. Michael Häupl signed the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Within this framework, the City of Vienna has committed to SDG Goal #10: Reduce inequality within and among countries. By 2030, the city’s ambition is to “empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status” (SDG target 10.2).
We are therefore looking for novel business-driven approaches to integrating marginalized groups (especially post-retirement individuals and migrants) and supporting civic engagement at the local level.

The challenge owner

“Municipal Department 22 – Unit Sustainable Development” works to improve the quality of the local environment as well as the general quality of life in Vienna.
The purpose of the unit´s program “EcoBusiness Vienna” is to help enterprises generate "green and clean" profits through ecological management practices that benefit the environment, the enterprises, its employees and all other stakeholders. It aims to improve the competitive position of Viennese businesses while sustaining employment over the medium term.
“Municipal Department 17 – Unit Integration and Diversity”, has also committed to supporting the winning solutions. Among many other projects, the department runs the Vienna Integration and Diversity Monitor, one-of-a-kind annual survey that assesses how politics and administration are meeting the needs of Vienna’s multi-cultural society since 2008.    


Recognizing the potential of Vienna’s growing startup ecosystem to positively influence the integration of marginalized groups and the uptake of civic participation, the municipality is increasingly looking to offer its support to early-stage businesses working on these topics.

The City of Vienna’s Sustainable Development and Integration and Diversity Municipal Departments will support the winning solutions with the following services:

  • Access to their pool of consultants and experts
  • Introductions to relevant stakeholders in the Vienna city administration (especially with Municipal Department for Integration and Diversity)
  • Sharing further project and funding opportunities
  • Access to relevant events
  • Promotion of winning solution(s) to relevant partners  

The Challenge Owner

EcoBusiness Vienna