Kringwijs-CiviX-Dropouts BV

Updated: 05/07/2018

Solution provider


The provided solution is a collaborative project between Kringwijs, Dropouts BV and CiviX.

Kringwijs is a non-governmental organisation situated in Amsterdam committed to stimulate social cohesion. Kringwijs organises all kind of activities to stimulate social cohesion and to get new answers on social issues, among which the support of citizen-initiatives, organisation of dialogues in neighbourhoods and training to citizens to participate in social challenging roles. Kringwijs is dealing with all kind of complex social issues, like poverty, people with mental problems or loneliness. Kringwijs is situated in community house Westside in Amsterdam ( 

Dropouts BV is a social enterprise -also situated in Amsterdam- committed to creative communication and design. Dropouts employs young school dropouts in order to stimulate their talents and skills. Among other projects Dropouts has been responsible for all communication around the project City Youth of the municipality of Amsterdam, which supports young people between 14 and 32 years old in finding a house, a job or an internship (

CiviX is an enterprise dedicated to solve complex social problems by public-private-people projects (4P-projects). CiviX supports co-operation between the 4P-partners by means of bridging gaps by using intermediaries and organizing conferences (

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