Daylicacy AB
Updated: 09/04/2018
Challenge owner, Solution provider
SwedenDaylicacy wants to re-invent the commerce. We wish to promote an ethical consumption, break the myth of superficial consumption, with an overconsumption of products, to go towards a better world: a world of sustainable consumption.
Our ambition is to work with designers that do not create design for mass production and work from their own studios crafting unique, limited edition pieces or small volumes.
We will lift up ethical designers and will actively encourage them to become even more environment friendly and offer sustainable and ecological Products.
We want to help to consume less and better, and participate actively to the “slow consumption”, “slow fashion”, “slow design”… by fighting against standardisation, by offering an alternative to the society of mass consumption.
We want to give the opportunity for consumers to find small locally based designers in their own region/country to have less transportation and thereby having less impact on the environment.