Plurimpresa S.r.l.

Updated: 13/07/2018

Solution provider

Plurimpresa is born from the initiative of entrepreneurs and professionals who have been working for 25 years in the field of research and selection of personnel, management consulting, training, administration and development of human resources; It is authorized by the Ministry of Labour and Social policies (register of the agencies for the work Prot. No 39/13989 of 24/10/2013)

Plurimpresa combines the effectiveness of local, flexible and fast action with the national experience that derives from synergy with leading companies in the fields of business consulting, vocational training, facilitated finance, universities, agencies for Work.
The distinctive experience of Plurimpresa has been matured thanks to the work that in more than 25 years has allowed its management to support the multinational as the small company, all over the national territory and in some cases even abroad, offering Solutions to the needs detected, developing a specific project that aims to reach and share the objectives entrusted.

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