Associazione Culturale Pandora

Updated: 13/07/2018

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Founded in 2016, Pandora is a no-profit association, that is involved in cultural diffusion in Sicily and social regeneration through art.

Pandora was born in 2016, founded by Vincenzo Cascone and Antonio Sortino, from the deep desire for re-appropriation and re-qualification of a territorial entity disfigured by the logics of building expansion that, over the years, have cut off every bond and identity tie with the community to which they belong.

Following the passion in art and figurative arts of the founders, Pandora choose art as main tool of his actions and focused his interesting in to the common good.

Through workshops, laboratory, documentaries and activities with schools and other associations Vincenzo and Antonio, discover that the artistic production activates a participated urban regeneration process giving the chance to live their territory in a more emotional way.

It was 2015 when - to manage all this experimentations and activities - they decided to found an association called Pandora to have a more powerful tool to carry out them mission.

After few month thanks to the support of local community and few private companies in 2016 was instituted an annual public art festival called FestiWall.

From three year the festival analyze the different issues of the urban context focusing every year on a specific and different area, in order to involve the inner community in activities which aim to improve the status of the neighborhood.

Thanks to Pandora's staff, made by artists, architects, social workers, musician and artisans it was possible to offer to the community a cultural diffusion to 360 degrees.

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