Future Intelligence

Updated: 21/12/2017

Solution provider

Future Intelligence Ltd (short name FINT) is a Greek SME specializing in Information & Communication technologies (ICT). It provides highly demanded solutions and business services covering a number of activities, in the fields of Long Range Communications (WiMAX, LTE), Short range Communications (WSN, M2M, IoT) and Future Internet. FINT is the leading manufacturer of purely IoT systems in Greece. The company’s objective is to build an IoT enabled ecosystem which can expand vertically to outstandingly cover emergent end-users’ needs and horizontally providing a playground for vendors, OEMs and programmers. The company was established in 2009 is privately held and has 100% CAGR in the last three years. The company’s central facilities are located in Technological and Scientific Park of Attica, NCSR Demokritos while a branch is located in the Scientific and Technological Park of Epirus at the University of Ioannina. The company also has its own cloud facility based on OpenStack at Herakleion Crete.

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