A solution by MOODìka submitted to Give Blood Now!
smartDONOR® is a multi-sided platform supporting the blood transfusion system in achieving self-sufficiency based on voluntary, non-remunerated blood donation. Through web platform and mobile application, it offers a complete set of functionalities improving performance of blood collection logistics and proper user experience and service quality for the donors.
One Page Summary
smartDONOR® is the app of blood donors (
The solution aims to increase:
• Young donors
• Donations, ensuring more efficiency and awareness
• Recurrent blood donors, achieving more interaction with the Blood Donors Associations
smartDONOR®, through web platform and app for smartphones and tablets, offers to blood donors and Blood Donors Organizations a complete set of functionalities able to merge the aspects of information and socializing with the dynamics of promotion, scheduling and efficiency of blood collection.
This way, the solution helps to address contemporary demographics challenge of ageing society, resulting in blood supply decrease while demand increases.
The mission of smartDONOR® is supporting the National Blood Transfusion System for achieving and ensuring the self-sufficiency based on voluntary non-remunerated blood donation.
Unfortunately the self-sufficiency is not yet a reality and in the next future the National Blood Transfusion System will face the following social challenges:
• population aging and resulting supply decrease and demand increase of blood
• low involvement of young people and resulting scant generational change of blood donors
• chronicity of several diseases and resulting demand increase of blood
Furthermore another factor influencing the implementation of the self-sufficiency is the contrast between the spontaneity of voluntary blood donation and the local and national collection planes.
smartDONOR® is a project based on the combination of ICT and Health sectors, that incorporate mHealth technologies, for the benefit of a target customer and beneficiary:
• Blood Donors can manage their activity independently and efficiently, can be informed and aware, constantly feeling a member of a community and be an effective promotion and awareness player
• Blood Donors Organizations can halve the costs and double the blood donations, enhance and manage their memberships, increasing their enrollment and participation thanks to an effective and efficient communication
• Blood transfusion system: health facilities (hospitals, blood Banks, etc.) can make their blood supply chain management more efficient
• Blood Receivers: patients who need blood transfusions periodically, in scheduled surgery or in emergency can count on a secure and regular supply
smartDONOR® is a bottom up co-designed solution based on ideas arising from blood donors organizations workers, blood donors, blood receivers organizations workers, patients and families: Blood Donors Organizations and many of their blood donors are actively involved in the co-design process to develop and test smartDONOR®.
For Blood Donors Organizations and for Blood Donors, smartDONOR® is easy to adopt (because it’s stand alone system not depending form existing databases) and use (because it’s web based and user-centered designed) and, as the result of re-engineering of the blood donation process, it allows to save up to 70% of costs of promotion and double the number of blood donations.
With smartDONOR® Blood Donors and Associations can handle: When and where donate, places available, requirements, etc.; Donations scheduling and diary; News, emergency alerts, thanks and prizes; Digital ID card; Test results.
In particular: Blood Donors can use map location for blood collection points and reach the point, know the real blood needs for every blood type in their area, keep their own blood donation diary, schedule the blood donations according to real local blood needs and donors’ donation diary, stay tuned with Blood Donors Organizations receiving news, receive the real alerts for emergencies, receive thanksgivings for donations, share on social networks activities and messages, use the association digital card with merits; Blood Donors Organizations can upload and manage their collection points in the map (opening hours, seats availability, blood needs, etc.), receive the schedules of blood donations from donors and manage them (confirm/delete, suggest another date, etc.), send messages to their blood donors (all / selected groups by age, donation date, scheduled donation date, etc.) about news, alerts for emergencies, thanksgivings for donations.