Razvan-Victor Sassu

Joined: 04/04/2018


My name is Razvan Sassu and I want to Share, Learn and Improve. Share from my experience, Learn from those around me and Improve people`s lives. 

What I love doing? Facilitating social change and improvement in the community and doing things that have a real and positive impact, that produce results which can improve people`s lives. I like to find the best in the people I work with in order to help them reach their professional potential and to create added-value for the community. Most of all, I love creating opportunities for learning and development for people around me.

I am currently heading the Young Initiative Association, a Romanian educational nonprofit which I founded in 2009, where together with my team we are supporting children and young people in their development and education. We strongly believe in empowering young people and in their potential for authentic social change.

I like being busy with producing change, so in the past years I have founded 2 organisations, managed numerous projects from local to national and international level (of which some are EU-funded) and supported thousands of children and young people from Romania and other countries. Of course, all of which made possible with the help of amazing people who I had the honour of having in my teams in the past years.

Works at:

Asociatia Young Initiative

Solution provider

Linkedin profile URL: http://linkedin.com/in/razvansassu/

Twitter username: @razvansassu