REvive Greece

Updated: 16/04/2018

Solution provider

Helping young people from the most vulnerable groups (i.e. refugees, migrants, unemployed) to integrate into the European socioeconomic fabric by re-skilling them on computer programming and connecting them with the private sector.

REvive Greece is a non-profit organisation with a mission to help young people from the most vulnerable groups (refugees, migrants, unemployed, etc.) integrate into the socioeconomic fabric, by reskilling them on computer programming. Then we connect them with companies from the ICT sector for job placement as junior software developers, where the demand for skilled people is far greater than the supply. Following the successful operation of our e-learning platform Match and teach Me for Integration, we launched a physical coding school (the “Code Camp”) for beneficiaries coming from the collaborating NGOs ActionAid Hellas, Médecins Sans Frontières, Metadrasi and AstroLab Athens, where we train our students on front and back-end software development.
REvive Greece is powered and sponsored by Google, and in October 2016 was among the semi-finalists of the “Innovate For Refugees” at Amman, Jordan. Last but not least, in December 2017 received in Brussels the prestigious Civil Society Prize of the European Economic and Social Committee. A prize which rewarded 5 European civil society initiatives that aim at the labour market integration of newcomers and all the people who are distant from the labour market and require specific support. This was the tipping point, since it attracted the attention of more ICT companies, CSR programs, and academic institutions which have expressed their interest in collaborating.

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