A solution by Plastic Jumper SrlS submitted to Security in the city!

The place for the re-connected people

(Pitched: 15/04/2018)

One Page Summary

Our project idea is inspired to the DC Comics Marvel character known as Green Lantern (
The Green Lantern Corps is the name of a fictional intergalactic military/police force appearing in comics published by DC Comics.
He's an atypical superhero, he's a normal man with lots of problems, qualities, defects and talents. At some point in his life he comes into contact with an extraterrestrial in green playsuit, he is dying, and he gives him a green ring too. He is chosen by that ring to take the place of the dying Green Lantern that operates in that sector of the universe. His tasks are simple ... to defend the earth and its part of the universe from evil. The Lantern Body is vast and includes many races, united by a characteristic: they are people who are not afraid. It is not a matter of specific fear in a thing or an event: it is a matter of not being afraid to dare, to face and resolve important issues and problems, and be quick and humble, working both alone and especially alongside others. Their power is given by the charge of the ring, they are in possession of a lantern that feeds directly from the planet of origin of the body. The ring keeps them informed, even the lantern, and occasionally they all gather together on the mother planet to exchange experiences.
We like this metaphor and view and we believe it is an excellent explanation of what we think should be the direction of a project on the proposed themes.
Creating aggregation of people means making a civic area alive and livable, discouraging the formation of crime groups such as drug dealing, alcohol abuse, dirt, delinquency in general. The concept of a meeting point is the activation of totem systems as a project because of the birth of a physical as well as virtual square.
Culture and participation involving different groups, citizens and guests: collaboration to make people aware and overcome the mistrust often due only to ignorance, taking advantage of mutual needs. A location animated by collaborative presences with appointments both scheduled in spontaneous events makes it less likely to take hold of situations of illegality and / or social unease.
A new way to use modern tools and reconnect them to a classic model of participation. The totem creates a new reason to find and exchange information, tasks, find partners to carry out activities, tell their experiences. The possession of a profile identified by the data stored by the app is strengthened and is completed only by going to the meeting points to "download and upload" experiences, and create together with the community that participates in a common archive.
Every user who performs activities in the system feeds her/his app that loads experience, time, miles, feedback. It is connected to the totem to receive basic information, help, business details, messages and last minute notifications. The same app send signals to the totem when it needs to be downloaded / uploaded and the system coordinates all the notifications of the app scheduling meetings. Meetings can be organized in special days in which we meet, even if every user will be able to decide when he/she wants to download / upload their app. At each totem you have access to new requests / needs of the system and you sign up, book and assign the desired.
The whole network of totems exchanges data and the central system creates statistics.