Intellia ICT

Updated: 08/12/2017

Solution provider

Intellia ICT is an SME company based in Greece. We are a newly emerged company targeting innovation in the areas of Augmented Reality and mobile computing.

Intellia ICT is an SME company based in Greece. We are a newly emerged company targeting innovation in the areas of Augmented Reality and mobile applications. Intellia employs high-profile researchers and software engineers. The company consists of ICT specialists, software experts, and highly-skilled researchers. Moreover, it closely collaborates with many Greek and European universities in terms of R&D projects and commercial solutions. Based on a group of people with several years of experience in ICT research and software development, Intellia intends to transform highly innovative and revolutionary ideas into products. We specialize in the commercialization of value added mobile services and products based on disruptive market technologies. Intellia ICT brings together technology innovation and scientific excellence aiming to deliver customized solutions that disrupt conventional value chains by creating new markets.

The members of Intellia ICT work since many years with mobile applications and Augmented Reality frameworks in various domains. Our researchers have long experience in EU projects (both from a technical and managerial perspective). More recently, we have worked in an EU funded project (EXPERIENCE) that dealt with testing the adoption of NFV/SDN technologies to facilitate AR applications in 5G environments.

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