Mind and Market
Updated: 16/11/2017
Solution provider
Since 2009, Mind & Market has been supporting innovative projects from both academic and business backgrounds in Belgium and Luxemburg.
We believe that innovation is a key driver of sustainable and fast-growing startups. We support a broad definition of innovation: in products, services and processes – and all sorts of activities sur as biotech, ICT, engineering, chemicals, food, marketing, management, sustainable development and so on.
Through a web platform (www.mindandmarket.be), afterwork meetings and annual forums, Mind & Market aims to foster entrepreneurship and innovation in the local/regional context by:
O building a strong and diverse team around the owner(s) of an innovative project;
O providing ways of connecting the innovation with reality of the market.
In short, Mind & Market brings together project owners and skilled entrepreneurs, experts, coaches, companies and supporting organizations. The latter surround project owners with their abilities, experience and knowledge of the market; acting as catalysts for the realization of the project owner’s ideas, accelerating their development and supporting them throughout the first steps following the creation of a start-up.