Sig. Filippo Diaco

Joined: 05/04/2018


Associative director in the branch of sports associations and social promotion. Engaged in projects of social inclusion through sport, with young refugees, prisoners, disabled people. As Provincial President of the Acli of Bologna since 2012, I deal with the promotion of the rights of vulnerable people through projects of social inclusion of the elderly, families, children and the disabled. I promote measures to reconcile work and life time for working mothers and projects for the employment of young Neet and unemployed adults, expecially women. 
Awarded with the Bronze Star of Sporting Merit by CONI, I frequently take part to conferences and lectures as a speaker. I wrote a book about the life stories of migrants. As President of Patronato Acli, I deal with the promotion of welfare state services. 

Works at:

Acli provinciali di Bologna

Solution provider

Personal website:

Twitter username: @diaco_filippo