Aisha Coulibaly

Joined: 15/04/2018


My name is Aisha Coulibaly, i was born in Foggia on the 24th of April 1997 from Ivorian father and Italian mother. From the beginning i have cultivated a passion toward social issues, in particular regarding migration flows. Since childhood, I was had to deal with different languages, religions, traditions and costumes, developing an appreciation for diversity and an understanding on how different cultures can enrich a society in terms of values, attitudes and competences. At the age of 18, after meeting Chris Richmond N’zi, I take a stand and decides that my life mission would focus on the transmission of her acquired knowledge to future generations. From February 2017, with Chris, found Mygrants, and they are full committed in turning the migration phenomenon into an opportunity for both migrants and host communities.

Our motto is " I will either find a way or make mine" 

Works at:

Mygrants S.r.l

Solution provider


Solution provider

Personal website: