Paolo Ruocco

Joined: 20/12/2017


Mbake, one of the candidate for the project, Maria Loreta (leader of "Il Cerchio" Association), Paolo, (manager of Spunzola Farm), Abdul (candidate) during the interviewAfter my academic studies in agronomy at the University of Bologna in 1982, I decided to run an organic farm, named Spunzola, in the hills of Pianoro (Bologna).
In 2010 I also finished my music studies at CEP, in Assisi, and I am a musictherapist.
Now Spunzola’s fields and music are my works and my great passions, along with my wife, my three sons and my granson.

Spunzola, which has been run in form of cooperative until 2002, is based on the sheep breeding and cheese production, cereals growing, wholemeal stoneground flour and pearled barley production. In the Eighties, Spunzola was one of the first organic farm in Bologna.

In the same years, I co-founded the organic farmers consortium “Il Salto”, taking part at the board of directors in the years following its constitution. Moreover, as I truly believe that organic farming is the only possibility to make agriculture sustainable, I participated at the table discussions for an European regulation on organic agriculture, representing the interests of farmers in the “Animal production” Commission.

Spunzola has always been a stepping stone for people in conditions of need.
Then in 2007 I met the people who would have founded in 2010 the association “Il Cerchio”. In these long years of collaboration I’ve never doubted to have found the right people and skills to create new opportunities for cultural inclusion and production, sharing common ideals, values ​​and practices.

The association “Il Cerchio“ is active in the city of Bologna, helping the migrant people to face the most pressing emergencies, providing night shelters and food, and supports their social inclusion.

“Terzaccoglienza project” is deeply rooted in the long term relationship among “Il Cerchio” and me, and I invite you to keep on reading the summary of the project. Thank you.

Mbake, one of the candidates for the project, Maria Loreta, leader of "Il Cerchio Association", Paolo, manager of Spunzola Farm, and Abdul, candidate

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