A solution by Az. Agr. Spunzola di Paolo Ruocco submitted to Social Farming in the Appennines
Terzaccoglienza project is a Residential Intern Program for migrant people in Spunzola Farm, near Bologna, Italy. It is a longtime partnership between Spunzola Farm and Il Cerchio association. The project wants to run an agricultural business while giving training, remuneration and a living space to migrant people, to prepare them to live and work independently, according to an European standard
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Here the video of Terzaccoglienza project:
Terzaccoglienza project is a Residential Intern Program for migrant people to run in Spunzola Farm, situated in the countryside of Bologna, Italy.
It is the result of a longtime partnership between Spunzola Farm and Il Cerchio association, both located around Bologna. Whereas Il Cerchio intervenes in helping the migrants facing the most pressing emergencies (providing night shelters and food), Paolo Ruocco, owner of the Spunzola Farm since 1982, has personally managed intercultural programs and the network building.
Terzaccoglienza project aims to counteract the abandonment of the territory and the loss of agricultural skills and traditional practices, essential to the economy and environment protection, while integrating and empowering migrant people in the medium-long period after their arrival (hence the name “Terzaccoglienza” as “Third hosting”).
The project intends to run an agricultural business while giving training, remuneration and a living space to migrant people, to prepare them to live and work independently, according to an European professional standard. We want to create life, work and income prospects compatible with our social models.
The core business activities, therefore the professional training “subjects”, are:
production and sale of firewood,
sheep breeding for meat production,
The internship programs are designed to give also a civic training on:
Italian language,
civil and labor European and Italian Law,
the basis of business management.
As a residential program, the trainees can live in safe areas of Spunzola Farm. This solve the difficulty to find a home in Bologna, too.
We the proponents of Terzaccoglienza project wish that the Social Challenge grant could allow to start the pilot phase in May 2018.