Mobilizing Migrant Markets

A solution by Interlink Management International submitted to Cooperation and work for migrants

Mobilizing Migrant Markets (M3) will benefit migrants, facilitate their integration into society, and to enrich the Spanish economy.

(Pitched: 14/04/2018)

One Page Summary

As of April 12, 2018, 16,988 migrants had arrived in Spain via the sea. These migrants have job skills and a desire to work.  Mobilizing Migrant Markets (M3) will benefit migrants, facilitate their integration into society, and to enrich the Spanish economy. Migrants need jobs in order to contribute to the local community. They need to put their current skills to work, or be re-trained in skills needed to fill current job vacancies or potential start-up businesses. Assessing these needs and skills is a large task. Using an online job skills company, with access to hundreds of job skills tests in multiple languages, we will interview more than 500 migrants to discover top job skills. Combined with research on the needs in the Spanish job market, we will determine where there is overlap and where new opportunities for business exist. We believe that Mobilizing Migrant Markets (M3) will allow migrants to contribute to society using their skills resulting in integration and acceptance in the Spanish community and by boosting the local economy. In addition, the burden of care will move away from the Spanish government to the migrants themselves. which will also help with their integration.