Empowerment of the immigrant community

A solution by BANCOSOL ALIMENTOS submitted to Cooperation and work for migrants

Empower and promote access to employment for immigrants arriving at Malaga while we serve their nutritional needs.

(Pitched: 13/04/2018)

One Page Summary

The immigrant population arriving at Malaga is in a precarious situation, without access to employment, where the unemployment rate reaches a 60%. This group has only began to grow in the first two months of 2018, the arrival of immigrants has grown a 80% compared to the same period of 2017.
This population does not have easy access to the labour market due to several reasons: the language is a
barrier to overcome, moreover the lack of training and competences or its homologation in order to access to jobs currently demanded and the ignorance of the functioning of the Spanish labour market and, in many other cases, we are faced with the reluctance of companies to hire, which it involves that their exit from social exclusion is complicated in the short and medium term.
Given the magnitude of the problem, Bancosol Alimentos proposes as a solution to the CHALLENGE, the empowerment of families as well as the training of these immigrants, providing them with the tools so that they can bring themselves a positive change in their lives.
From Bancosol, thanks to its circle of collaboration, we will work on employer companies so that after the completion of immigrant training and professional practices in their centers, the company will know better their profile, attitude, skills, motivation, professionalism, etc, so that we favour their access to a job within those companies or, a more positive attitude, hope and a greater possibility for access to other companies in the sector where they have developed their training.