Greek Forum of Refugees

Updated: 23/08/2018

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The Greek Forum of Refugees is a multinational grassroots network of refugee communities, individuals and professionals working to support asylum seekers, refugees and stateless persons. Involving 10 refugee communities, GFR intends to put the expertise of refugees at the forefront of the debates and solutions on their inclusion process.

The missions of the GFR revolve around: 

- Advocating for a holistic approach to integration;
- Defending the rights and protecting the freedoms of refugees and asylum seekers;
- Encouraging self-organization and participation of refugees and their communities;
- Informing refugees and asylum seekers of their rights and obligations;
- Networking at different levels.

Currently, 10 refugee communities (representing Afghanistan, Burundi, Cameroon, China, DRC, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Somalia, Sudan, Syria) are involved in its activities.

Different funded projects have been led since its establishment, all of them supporting its primary goals. One of them, started in April 2018, revolves around the provision of cultural mediation for refugees in the mental health care sector. In this framework, 10 cultural mediators will be trained in order to assist professionals providing such care and to foster the access to mental health care services to vulnerable refugees being in Athens. The exhaustive list of the projects conducted by the GFR is available on the website.

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