Arthur Alba

Joined: 08/12/2017



I am Arthur Alba, young graduate from a master 2 entrepreneurship of ESSCA (business school). 

I met Cyril Koslowski during our first year at ESSCA, we quickly became friends and joined on a common will of developing projects that serve a social need. We always worked for the purpose of answering a need instead of creating one. 

Full of ideas and energy we worked together in several school associations were we learned how to organize a even, manage teams and communicate. 

In 2015, I had a small accident that forced me to move on crutches for over a month. During this period I experienced that streets were full of obstacles and not a all adapted to persons with mobility issues. We realised that a car parked on a sidewalk or a work area is not only painful but dangerous because forcing me to walk on the street.

We started wondering how millions of persons were dealing with these daily obstacles. If moving with crutches was painful, how do the elderly, pregnant women, people with disabilities move in the streets ?

We found several projects that indicate accessibles places (restaurant, hotel) but nothing that helped people to avoid obstacles in the streets. 

In 2016, we make self-driving car and we walked the moon but we cannot help millions of persons moving comfortably and safely in the streets ?

We decided to adress this challenge and created Streetco. 

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Solution provider