Sharing is Caring

A solution by Rocketleaf submitted to Nutrition Programme

One of the greatest problems of our society is to ensure a fair distribution of goods and services amongst populations. We want to address this issue by enforcing the transparency of the process while taking into account efficiency and waste.

(Pitched: 21/12/2017)

One Page Summary

We often behave in waves. When there is a crisis we over respond, leading to waste, but otherwise there tends to be an insufficient distribution of means. We see this all over the news. After a disaster scenario collecting centers ask people to stop sending goods. However, there are still lots of families in need in other points of the country / region.

We want to promote a fair distribution of food and hygiene products, by allowing social workers to input the needs into a platform, so that the society can contribute efficiently to meet those necessities. We’re focusing on simplicity of operation to lower costs and increase engagement.

Our platform will make stock management easier and open in order to promote cooperation between different entities for global fairness and waste reduction. We believe transparency will be key to generate more donations by showing social impact

This is an innovative solution and we believe it will bring great benefits to the population.

This proposal is extremely innovative in it’s approach. The following items represent our unique value proposition:

1. Fairness: by promoting sharing of resources amongst distribution entities.

o Some centers end up receiving too many resources and others too few. 

o Some people end up receiving more goods / services than others

2. Transparency: show actual metrics that prove how the organization is useful in its community
o More and more people are questioning the system
o Transparency will promote engagement as people get a better sense of how their
contributions are helping others
o An auditing system could also be put in place

3. Better stock management
o Easy to operate and manage
o By listing the needs and sharing with other institutions waste is reduced

4. Promote inclusion by bringing all stakeholders together
o Even the families that are being helped can help in the platform
o Different players come into play: general population, social workers, users

This solution uses state of the art technology to deliver a Cloud Service. A big data engine can be also integrated to predict patterns on needs (consumption) and delivery and optimize stock management.