A solution by ADITESS LTD submitted to Nicosia Old City Challenge

ADITESS proposes the development of a platform composed of a central web incident management system for use by the municipality and two different mobile applications, one for use by the public (local commercial, business stakeholders and residents) and one for municipality officers/workers.

(Pitched: 21/12/2017)

One Page Summary

Each year, thousands of complaints are filed to municipality officials, mainly over the phone, with the municipality reporting that 85% are being satisfied; according to their latest statistics. The collection and management of complaints requires significant resources and organisation on behalf of the municipality. However, despite the tremendous efforts on behalf of municipality officers, citizens are not always aware of municipality actions. Our solution seeks to address the influx of complaints regarding waste management and noise pollution (even though it could be generalised) with: efficient incident reporting, automated annotation of problematic areas, generation of business intelligence for knowledge extraction and valuing citizen suggestions. In practical terms, our team seeks to make use of current and historical complaints in a constructive manner to better disseminate valuable pieces of information to the appropriate municipality teams. Doing so, will assist in improving the communication of citizens with municipality officials and cultivate an environment of trust and integrity between involved partners. Therefore, the citizen will feel valued, with their satisfaction rates being increased, and a reduction in the reception of negative comments.
The ADITESS solution:
• Offers a system / platform which serves to promote more effective communication between the Nicosia Municipality and the community/public (stakeholders).
• is a user-friendly, and interactive for non-experts (within the public but also taking into account the technical ‘deficiencies’ which preside in some Municipality employees)
• will support evidence based policy making with shorter complaint reporting lead in times, analysis time leading to more cost-efficient practices.
• provides an early & clear warning system analysis of various incidents/ events/complaints with GIS visualisations that provide better “cause-effect’ identification.

SYNDRAMO (=συνδράμω) is the Greek word for contributing towards the resolution of a common goal. Etymologically, συνδράμω emerges from the words σύν (= together) + δρώ (= act) encouraging citizens to work together towards improving their home.