A solution by Coltivare Fraternità submitted to Social Farming in the Appennines

The proposed project aims to provide opportunities for the socio-economic insertion of people in need. In particular the project will increase the job opportunities for the people in need in the agricultural sector in the Apennines area next to Bologna, applying the “Social Farm” model and boosting the organic farming in the areas in which the project will be implemented.

(Pitched: 21/12/2017)

One Page Summary

The general objective of the proposed project is to provide opportunities for the social insertion of people in need.

The specific objective is to increase the job opportunities for the people in need in the agricultural sector in the Apennines area next to Bologna, applying the “Social Farm” model. This model is aimed to the social inclusion of the people in need and to recover the environmental resources in order to maximize the social good, the creation of value for the entire community and the implementation of a high-quality production chain.

Special emphasis during the project implementation will be placed on the following elements:

- Socio-economic insertion of people with low employability rate (e.g. people in need) through an educational path aimed to insert them in agricultural activities for growing organic foodstuffs;

- Development of an innovative model for the online sale of organic foodstuff produced respecting the "environmental biodiversity" by the farms of the Apennines area next to Bologna.

The main novelty of the project consists in keeping together the implementation of a technological innovation process together with social activities aimed to people in need, supporting at the same time the importance and the impacts of the organic farming in the territory of the Apennines. In addition, the project aims to aggregate social farming operators in order to implement a new model of " welfare supply chain".