Re-Creating the Vibe

A solution by NK2 submitted to From Pubs to Hubs! Local pubs for rural economy

The aim of the project is to develop a new product/service combination and via the process make people change agents that will allow them to design future innovations themselves. The process can only be carried out when a variety of stakeholders are involved. For every pub we need to identify with the initial challenge owners who they are and what role they can play (contribution mapping will be used for that purpose).

(Pitched: 21/12/2017)

One Page Summary

The aim of the project is to develop a new product/service combination and via the process make people change agents that will allow them to design future innovations themselves. The process can only be carried out when a variety of stakeholders are involved. For every pub we need to identify with the initial challenge owners who they are and what role they can play (contribution mapping will be used for that purpose). NK2 will  develop a tool box for social innovations. With this tool box we can support social initiatives and businesses to become innovators and change agents. Our aim is to support social transitions in rural areas. We think that we need to translate these abstract concepts towards more contextbased content. We want to make social innovation accessible for everybody. That means that the approaches and workshops should be easy to use, fun to work with and lead to useful results for its users. We think that we need to translate these abstract concepts towards more contextbased content.