Encourage a sustainable society with Daylicacy

Daylicacy wants to re-invent the commerce by lifting up small local designers, actively encourage them to become more environmental-friendly, and give the opportunity for customers to consume less, but better.


Daylicacy wants to re-invent the commerce. We wish to promote an ethical consumption, break the myth of superficial consumption, with an overconsumption of products, to go towards a better world: a world of sustainable consumption.

Our ambition is to work with designers that do not create design for mass production and work from their own studios crafting unique, limited edition pieces or small volumes. 

We will lift up ethical designers and will actively encourage them to become even more environment friendly and offer sustainable and ecological Products.

We want to help to consume less and better, and participate actively to the “slow consumption”, “slow fashion”, “slow design”… by fighting against standardisation, by offering an alternative to the society of mass consumption.
We want to give the opportunity for consumers to find small locally based designers in their own region/country to have less transportation and thereby having less impact on the environment.


Daylicacy is established in Stockholm. We have two targets:

- Designers: When our internet platform is ready, we will invite a selection of Swedish designers to create a shop to sell their products. We are choosing designers that are producing a small amount of products in order not to overproduce and that are environmental friendly. We will later on expand our selection of Designers to the rest of Europe.

- Customers: Our internet platform is open and anybody can buy. Though our vision is to give to the customers the possibility to support local Designers, find exquisite products that are nearby thus reduce transportation and by the same way pollution, that are more ethical, and make a positive impact on the environment.


Designers have difficulties to be seen in our communities as they are small and local. Few of them have a website as it is not their main competencies and it is time consuming for someone who is not expert.

Daylicacy wants to give them the access to digital technologies to get the possibility to become more visible and bring them more traffic. We will guide and support them to become better in selling and more environmental friendly.


Daylicacy is choosing local Designers that are producing exquisite/unique products. Those products are produced in small scales in order to meet the demand and avoid overproduction. Daylicacy will support the Designers to be more sustainable in their way of producing, and/or use more biological raw materials, and/or recycle materials.
Daylicacy is encouraging the customers to buy less but better quality products and more environmental friendly.
With Daylicacy, we want to create a feel-good solution where customers and Designers contribute to a better life:
- supporting local Designers
- buying more environmental-friendly products,
- buying healthiest products
- give them the possibility to actively choose to preserve the environment products


Daylicacy is committed to give Designers the technical solution to be more visible and support them to become more environmental friendly. 

We will make it easy for the customers to find Designers near them to have a lower carbon impact on transport and also enable them to search within environmental/ethical search criteria.

In a long-term perspective, we expect to be able to help consumers in all Europe to have a better consuming attitude, be more aware about how to protect our ecosystem and make them more responsible towards the environment.


The challenge complies with the ethical standards of the project agreement.