Mrs Chiara Peri

Joined: 18/07/2018

Local staff

I have been working in the field of forced migration and asylum in Italy for 18 years. My professional experience includes many different aspects: juridical knowledge, service delivery and organization, project design and management, awareness raising, lobby and advocacy. I have taken part, as an expert and/or researcher for several capacity building projects for national administrations in the field of asylum. Before starting my professional experience for Associazione Centro Astalli - Jesuit Refugee Sservice (JRS) Italy, I used to be a scholar of Ancient Near Eastern Studies and History of Religions. 

Most recent experiences in financed projects
10/2015-12/2017: National Project Coordinator. "Promoting the Best Practices on community building against racist and xenophobic attitudes towards forced migrants" (JUST/2014/RRAC/AG/BEST/6656). 
7/2014-6/2015: Project Manager  “Luoghi comuni, luoghi in comune. Percorsi di dialogo e conoscenza a partire dai luoghi di culto della provincia di Roma” National EIF Fund 2013 Action 7.

Works at:

Associazione Centro Astalli

Solution provider

Personal website:

Twitter username: @belqis

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