Founder and CEO Diana Moret

Joined: 14/07/2018


Social entrepreneur, people centric business designer born in Barcelona. As founder of my most recent social venture named Pandorahub (a networked organization aimed at reviving rural areas by empowering entrepreneurship, community living, remote work, cross-cultural growth and affordable housing), I’ve been designing business acceleration experiences in rural areas and mentoring startups on Business Model Design, Lean Startup, Pentagrowth and User Experience, and inspiring disruptive “gLocal” entrepreneurs, changemakers, heroes and startups to live, thrive and work in rural areas.
Previously co-founder at DJs Against Hunger (DJs Contra la Fam), an electronic music festival and technology-based artistic courses program addressed to disadvantaged communities in Barcelona. Co-creator of "Catalan" Red Nose Day (Un dia de Nassos), fundraising campaign involving 25 amusement and cultural parks and raising 30K its first year, now main campaign directly owned and ran by the beneficiary NGO Pallapupas hospital clowns. Social Innovation consultant for Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona for the project of building a free hotel addressed to children and families under long-term treatment in Barcelona hospitals. Social innovation consultant for Education Without Frontiers and Josep Carreras Foundation Against Leukemia. Human Centric Design consultant for Multiplica and Everis.

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Twitter username: @dianamoret

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