Laura van Veller

Joined: 10/07/2018


Genuine passion for contributing to positive change. With this mission in mind I have been
active in several projects which concerned sustainability and social entrepreneurship. Now
fully aligned to and committed with Pandorahub’s mission of connecting entrepreneurs and
rural areas. Coming from 'Waddeneiland' Texel Island, I have developed true admiration
and respect for nature and rural areas. On the island i have founded several events such
as the ‘Smaakvolle ontmoeting’ and ‘Bij Eb is het Eiland Groter Festival’ where local
entrepreneurs, youngsters and artists from the island and abroad gathered around local
food issues and sustainability.
In 2014 the renewable energy-platform start-up Vandebron was founded where I have
been involved and active in the start-up face until the scale-up face. In three years time the
company has grown to a +100 employees and a +100.000 users. At Vandebron I have
been active in various fields such as the initiating and training of our in house sales team
(which has now 6 branches in the Netherlands), PR, project management of campaigns
series and brand awareness.
I have studied Future Planet Studies with a major in Political sciences at the university of
Amsterdam. This is an interdisciplinary degree which covers complex issues concerning
global warming, food and water issues in order to come up with innovative solutions.At the end of my studies I have lived in New Zealand for a year where I have studied environmental communication on the university of Otago. 

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Solution provider

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