
The challenge identified is related to the population’s aging, the progressive depopulation of the county and the need to create mechanisms to fixate the population, especially young people of working age. The aim is to reduce depopulation, combat isolation (especially among the older population) and encourage birth rates, as well as rethink inter- and intra-regional mobility in low-density areas in order to respond to the residents’ daily needs.
Carregal do Sal is a municipality in the interior of the country and corresponds to a low density territory, with a population of 9835 inhabitants, of which about 26% corresponds to the elderly population, aged 65 or over. 
In this context, the municipality has developed a strategy for sustainable development, which includes planning and implementation of a set of initiatives aimed at establishing the population in the county through support to families and agents of the economic fabric, being in approval stage the creation of a regulation to encourage birth. Support is also foreseen in the construction of equipment to support Early Childhood; the extension of schedules in the family support component; the reduction of Municipal Urban Rates for young couples; the fostering of activities during school breaks, as well as the exemption of Municipal Fees for companies that create at least 8 jobs. 
In this context, the municipality plans to implement new solutions that will be identified, in terms of job creation and support for entrepreneurship, in order to promote the establishment of a younger population, including the one that, although it is originally from the municipality, has left the municipality to study and often does not return to establish residence in this territory for the development of their professional activity.
In this way, it is intended to identify responses to this challenge that will counteract the depopulation of low density territories, as described.


The challenge is located in Carregal do Sal, a municipality with a population of 9835 inhabitants  located in the Center region (NUTS II) of Portugal.The target that the challenge aims to reach is the young population, of working age, and the families for their fixation in the municipality. The choice of this target group was based on the recognition by the Carregal do Sal’s Social Network executive committee and by the Municipality’s Executive Committee, of the depopulation and the low Birth Rate as two of the problems of the county, with a strong influence on the competitiveness and territorial development. The autarchy has as main objectives to promote the employability and fixation of active young people, promote family integration, professional and social participation.
The municipalities shall be responsible for promoting and safeguarding their populations’ interests in several areas such as the promotion of sustainable socio-economic and territorial development.


The identified challenge is in line with the strategic objectives of the Carregal do Sal’s Strategic Plan. The valorization of the territory, the establishment of economic activities and people are transversal concerns to the whole Plan, to which are added the promotion of social cohesion and effectiveness of proximity services that can be leveraged through the solutions to be presented within the scope of this challenge.
The municipality has developed a strategy for sustainable development, which includes planning initiatives aimed at establishing the population in the county through support to families and agents of the economic fabric. Support is also foreseen in the construction of equipment to support Early Childhood; the extension of schedules in the family support component; as well as the exemption of Municipal Fees for companies that create jobs. 
The municipality and its executive are committed to the solutions and efforts to be implemented within the identified challenge


The policies of the attraction of investment and population that have been implemented in the municipality have not had the desired effect, partly due to the existence of a situation that determines the concentration of population and economic activities in the large and medium-sized urban centers. In order to take advantage of the benefits of the economies of agglomeration and the endogenous resources in the interior territories, it is considered important to find solutions that promote the attraction of young population to the municipality of Carregal do Sal.These should be based on measures/programs to promote entrepreneurship and enhance the quality of life of the resident population, in order to attract families and young people of active age to the municipality.


As mentioned in section 1, the municipality is implementing initiatives to support the population / families and economic activities that it intends to complement with other solutions that may be identified, in response to the proposed challenge. The autarchy has implemented a set of initiatives that can be leveraged through complementary measures. Currently, there is an Employability Office in the municipality and the creation of a regulation to encourage the birth rate is being approved. In addition to these measures, support is provided in the construction of equipment for Early Childhood; the extension of schedules in the family support component; the reduction of Municipal Urban Rates for young couples; fostering of activities during school breaks, as well as the exemption of Municipal Taxes for companies that create at least 8 jobs.
2. In the context of cooperation with the solution provider and throughout the implementation period, it is expected that the technicians of the municipality will participate in making information available on the territory and target audience and in monitoring the results achieved. It is also intended to keep the involvement through meetings and / or periodic telephone contacts that verify the articulation and alignment between the initiatives of the municipality and the implemented solutions.


The Challenge complies 100% with the ethical standards.

The Challenge Owner

Carregal do Sal Municipality