Agromet s.r.l.

Updated: 12/12/2017

Solution provider

The idea is to develop and implement an innovative chain for collecting and tranforming organic residues. Urban vegetable gardens become the hub for local vegetal residues who are transformed through the hydrothermal carbonisation process into a material similar to peat to use in situ for gardening.

From vegetal residues we get important resources for crop production. Urban gardening carries several benefits such as producing food as local as possible. This decreases the food miles and the impact in terms of GHG (Green House Gases) emissions. Nowadays food waste is centrally collected and brought far away to treatment plants/landfills. This needs complex logistics and long trips with environmental and economic costs.
Social urban gardens produce green waste and they are located in urban areas, near restaurants and groceries where food waste is produced.
The idea is to create vegetable gardens (or hydroponics built with recycled material) within the town in marginal and abandoned areas equipped by a small-scale machinery for organic waste treatment in urban gardens areas thought to get a peat-free growing medium able to sustain crop/mushrooms production.
Assets: food waste reused in crop production; cut of waste volumes; distance covered for waste collection decreased simplifying the waste management and reducing the GHG emissions; ease in clearing out the area if a new land-use is required. Noteworthy the social issues linked to land restoration and collaborative land work. 

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