Javier Gomez

Joined: 21/12/2017


How are you? My name is Javier Gomez and I am here to help.

Last year I enrolled on a training that awaked my social consciousness. Organised by MIT and delivered via a MOOC (massive open online course): u.lab: Leading from the Emerging Future, an introduction to leading profound social, environmental and personal transformation.

We are all surrounded by challenges, everywhere. We can ignore them, accept them or take action. I opted for the last one. I want to be involved on issues I care about and help people get off the ground.
I am inspired and influenced by Design Thinking, Agile and Lean. I learned, practiced and experimented with all of them, combining and testing different tools and practices.

I summarise my learnings in 4 key innovation design principles:
1. Make people awesome
2. Collaborate radically
3. Experiment and learn quickly
4. Deliver value continuously

In recent years, I led two social projects. One for Mission2020, a collaborative venture on a mission to reduce global emissions by 2020. In the context of a series of conferences during the Climate Week event in New York city, we developed a mobile app to submit, rate and engage on interactive discussions around ideas to fight climate change. We displayed the results on an interactive-real time dashboards on big screens. You can read more here: http://labs.smartplayds.com/casestudym2020/

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Solution provider

Twitter username: @javiermardona