Lorenzo Sandri

Joined: 14/04/2018


I am a 61 year old man and in the course of my life I have had the privilege of doing an exciting job. Actually I am an agronomist and I have been working in social agriculture since 1979 when I started working at a social agricultural cooperative named COpAPS of Sasso Marconi near Bologna. Since 1997 I have been President of COpAPS.
I strongly believe that people deserve the opportunity to grow, to learn a trade and to become autonomous, particularly in case of disadvantaged or disabled people. I am also convinced that the most powerful instrument for social inclusion and emancipation of the disabled is employment, from an economic point of view and in terms of self-confidence and motivation.
My job within the cooperative is multifaceted. In fact, I am the legal representative and the chairman of the management board, but I am also in charge of training and professional inclusion of disadvantaged people into organic farming and greenery maintenance sectors. I am also a technician in the field of organic production  and am in charge with planning educational and training programs targeted to disabled people.
During my professional life I have also been involved in projects concerning social handicraft and self-employment opportunities. I have recently joined the project "GLEAN - Growing Levels of Employability/ Entrepreneurship in Agriculture for NEETs" within the framework of Erasmus+ Program ( http://www.glean-project.eu/), which has been positively assesed by European Community Erasmus+ as a successful example of good practice and source of inspiration for future projects.

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