Impulsive shopping? Nein, danke.

A solution by submitted to Climate Protection Now!

The number of companies offering sustainable products is growing every day. Great news! However the cost of delivery to the end-customer (the "last-mile") is often high. We address this challenge by adopting sustainable transport patterns : organising collaborative orders, in order to organise one delivery instead of 3, 5 or more. Together, let's adopt sustainable purchasing habits!

(Pitched: 19/12/2017)

One Page Summary was created to enable collaborative shopping on a local level. It's free for users, we take no commission.

The inspiration comes partly from the way families shop, partly from the CSA (Community Supported Agriculture).
  • (1) families typically delegate shopping to one member; for this to work the other members communicate what they want. In other words, they share their shopping lists. This enables savings in time, money, energy. This is what does.
  • (2) CSAs are organisations where individual buy from a producer on a regular basis with a pooled delivery. is similar, without the commitment for regularity.
In both cases, there is a community benefit : individuals delegate the shopping to one member of the group.

If we receive a grant of 30,000 EUR, our suggestion would be to
  • create a German version of (currently in English)
  • create / adapt tutorials
  • train and hire a community manager, ideally working with Green City
  • connect with a small selection of local suppliers

Our motivations behind adapting with Munich / Green City are the following
  • enables individuals to share shopping intentions. This can be done from any business they want. is the digital step that makes the catalogue collaborative.
  • this enables efficient planning of transport by a pool member or a third party. The transport is more efficient than if pool members had organised shopping individually. In Stockholm, in the last 4 months, businesses using saw a lower cost of transport when pooled orders were made.
  • effectively, enables relatives/friends/neighbours or a third party to organise a shopping service with virtually any webshop or supplier. does not manage payment of the service, which can be organised through a third party (for instance, a community service run by Green City).
  • is free for the users, which means that there is room for Green City to add a small service fee if desired.
  • successful testing in Stockholm, next, Munich?

On our platform, individuals can create, join or manage "pools", which is what we call a group of people who want to buy something together.
Here is a brief description of functionalities
  • Members can start or join a "pool".
  • In each pool, members create a "list". ("My list", below)
  • The aggregation of shopping lists in a pool is a "pooled list". ("Pooled list", below)
  • "pool admin" takes responsibility for ordering and payment of the "pooled list".
  • "pool admin" makes sure the order arrives at the meeting point, for instance his home, office or another place.
  • "pool members" pay the "pool admin" for their share of the shopping, and usually collect the shopping at a place chosen by the "pool admin".
  • On the "admin" page, the "pool admin" can view and edit individual shopping lists, communicate with members, keep track of payment and collection.
  • Businesses can upload a catalogue on, to make it easier for their customers to create a list.

We look forward to in Munich!