Lettuce Grow

Updated: 05/03/2018

Solution provider

Lettuce Grow is an online platform which connects small scale farmers, SMEs and consumers based on proximity. Our platform focuses on stimulating the local economy by creating an open market with full transparency promoting local products and local businesses.

Lettuce Grow is built and focused on increasing profits for farmers and SMEs rather than our own. We take a minimal commission off each transaction on the platform (5%) to fund our operations. By creating optimal conditions for farmers and SMEs to thrive financially through tools provided on the platform we believe that we can put the agricultural market back into the hands of the farmers and SMEs. Through doing so we can maximise our amount of farmers and SMEs as our focus is on improving conditions for them on a policy and national level. By creating short distance networks, we work with small farmers, small shipments, short routes and small stores. With shorter logistics routes and smaller amounts to deal with we can decrease the logistics costs, remove middlemen and increase profits for farmers. We will also be lobbying, providing agricultural market information, partner with grant writers to help farmers apply for grants and promoting local products and business. Our competitors focus on promoting their businesses and making sure their name is out there, we focus on promoting the products, the cause behind it and the benefits of shopping local.

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