Zeno Franchini

Joined: 01/12/2017


MARGINAL is a research studio exploring the margins of design and art disciplines, and the roles they can play in the making of societies. We use prototypes, installations, writings, and films to investigate and document the production of objectual universes and spaces, and their implications on a planetary scale. We develop a practice in a continuous dialogue with other professions, expertise, and cultures. Within and against logic and structures of design and art, we aim to constructive dissent, experimenting interactions as forms of social practice and political awareness. We adopt participatory practices to trigger the development of specific narratives and to imagine alternative future scenarios: we harness capabilities and use the status quo to create a commentary of broader geopolitical context. Lately, we have been focused on vernacular culture and migrations both human and non-human. At the moment we are researching Mediterranean cultures in the context of Palermo.
Funded by Zeno Franchini (MA Social Design, Design Academy Eindhoven) and Francesca Gattello (MA Product Design, Politecnico di Milano).

Works at:

Marginal Studio

Solution provider

Marginal Studio

Solution provider

Personal website: http://marginalstudio.com

Twitter username: @marginalstudio