Time Garden

A solution by Pixel x Pixel submitted to Siracusa Digital Inclusion

web portal for women who wish to restart their careers after a break

(Pitched: 14/04/2018)

One Page Summary

Time Garden is a connecting portal for women who wish to restart their careers after a break.
Time Garden is a job search platform founded on the belief that flexibility is the highest-impact, lowest-cost tool to recruit, advance, and retain women.
Unemployment among women rose by almost 20% between 2009 and 2012, compared with 0.32% among men. In the workplace, women on maternity leave find themselves made redundant before worse-performing male colleagues. Childcare costs are keeping others at home or in part-time work, where perhaps one of the most telling statistics is that 54% of women are employed below their potential. In FTSE 100 companies, 17% of directors are female and women are outnumbered four to one in parliament and five to one in the cabinet.
Time Garden is a fantastic resource for anyone who wants a job with some kind of flexibility:
- People interested in working from home or remotely some, or all, of the time.
- Anyone looking for a career-oriented part-time job (on-site or remote).
- Freelancers looking for more clients and projects.
- Anyone looking for flexible or alternative schedules.
- Parents wanting to be more flexible for their kids and families.
- Someone looking for a second job or supplemental income that utilizes their skills and education in a professional way.
- People who live in rural or local areas where they can’t find a job in their career field without having to move.
- People with physical or health issues wanting/needing to find flexible work or remote jobs to suit their needs.
- Caretakers of loved ones with health issues, for the same reasons as above.
- Retirees looking to stay professionally active and to earn some income.
Military spouses who need the flexibility to work from anywhere, in case their spouses are re-stationed.
- Competitive athletes wanting a professional job that will fit around their training and competition schedules.
- Anyone else who would appreciate a job that better fits with their life, not a life that fits with their job.