Sterigma LTD

Updated: 05/05/2018

Solution provider

United Kingdom
An Inclusive and equilabity quality education and lifelong learning for all

Started first in Athens Greece with StrigiformGames in May 2016, StrigiformGames, with the company’s mission is to develop educational games purposed to help people build both hard and soft skills.

Founded in May 2017, StrigiformHub, is a startup company based in Athens Greece. The company’s mission is to provide STEAM Education For Displaced People and promote lifelong learning opportunities for displaced people.

Our Vision is to:

Create a unique educational hub that consists of a learning management system, a visual programming language and STEAM mobile games, all of them offered free of charge.
Activation of the whole learning ecosystem – tutors, parents, youth, learning organizations, to engage in the child’s learning.
Co-creation of teaching methodology – our professional development platform helps tutors and learners gain a sense of ownership over designing their learning program.
Integration of empathy, teamwork, leadership, and problem solving into STEAM curriculum.
The next step will be an online game that uses adaptive technology to help kids learn better

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