A solution by WeMoved submitted to Accessibility for everyone & everywhere
Public transportation system inclusive timetable for buses, trams, trolleybuses and other vehicles. Easy to use and accessible for people using wheelchairs and visually impaired individuals as well as all the EU citizens and other visitors.
One Page Summary
We aim at making the information regarding local transportation system's details easy and accessible for people using wheelchairs and visually impaired individuals. Moreover, we aim at making the information regarding local transportation system's details easy and accessible for all EU citizens and other visitors.
Most crucial features of OurEuroTimeTable:
1. Well visible from a wheelchair seat level.
2. Good size for most of members of the public wearing corrective lenses.
3. Very friendly to catch on the go for EU citizens and other visitors using local transportation system for the first time.
4. Ready for relatively quick location in emergency circumstances.
5. Individual cost €10 and less.