Become an entrepreneur… a possible alternative

A solution by Associazione Startup City submitted to Get back to school!

A student company is a pedagogical tool based on practical experience by means of running a complete enterprise project, and on interaction with the external environment

(Pitched: 15/07/2018)

One Page Summary

The data collected by CISL in 2016 describe Sicily as a region in decline: 40.1% of people are at risk of poverty;
The phenomenon of unemployment among young people has now reached alarming levels and requires urgent and structured intervention policies.
The lack of prospects causes young people to abandon their studies prematurely and increase unemployment and the number of Neet
Today more than a young person in two (60%) in Sicily does not have a job and 40% qualifies themselves as Neet, i.e. not engaged in training or working activities.

The absence of work is what pushes people towards social discomfort and marginalization in the quickiest way, with negative effects on the entire socio-economic fabric of the territory.

According to these considerations the project sets few ambitious objectives, being them in line with the needs of the territory, which aim to trigger social and economic regeneration processes, and striving to become a reference point for new projects and activities.

How to contrast this emergency?

We want to start a new orientation path aimed at young people, more specifically 16/17 years old high school students: the idea is to implement new approaches of listening and addressing young people who need help redefining their own life and work projects, allowing them to improve their understanding of their natural inclination, attitude, abilities and needs, especially educational, and undertake new training experiences and / or job placement.
We intend to reinforce the competences in support of every student’s capacity of choice and management of their own educational paths, university, working, and life paths. Indeed, in this historical-social moment, orientation becomes an important factor of development of the country, because the understanding of oneself and of its own vocations, the awareness of the opportunities of the Territory and the new technological discoveries can provide better opportunities for cultural, economic and social growth for new generations.

The project architecture is based on a series of articulated and transversal activities aimed at guiding young people in difficult conditions towards a new path of personal and professional empowerment, which aims to allow them to redesign their project of life, acquire new skills and integrate profitably into the world of work.

The project intends to involve students in practical and experiential activities in order to identify an entrepreneurial solution of interest for the reference territory and to accompany them in strategic planning and development, until reaching a potential launch into the market
Through engaging teaching methodologies and materials, group work and meetings with representatives of the local entrepreneurial and institutional fabric, all students will be able to participate in a highly inclusive activity that will allow them to deeply understand the dynamics in the identification and validation of an idea of business, as well as elements of marketing, finance, planning, sustainability.

This will enable them to develop important transversal competences, specific to the entrepreneurial sphere, such as creativity, vision, ethical and sustainable thinking, resource management, commitment and perseverance
It will be a highly orienting path that, in addition to deepening the employment opportunities and the different ways of doing business, allows participants to better understand their aspirations, inclinations and interests, for better planning their future formative and professional careers

The project is characterized by the parallel presence of different training modalities that integrate with each other, enabling an experiential didactics full of online and offline interactions.