Innovative tools for a more effective training

Training events and transversal skills are gaining a central role for business sector’s representative and also attract those who, for various reasons, have a personal interest for this kind of experience. In this context, the classroom is the most widely used teaching method, while on-the-job training and coaching is making place. However, is increasing a need to ensure continuity in the learning of transversal skills, even outside the single event or classroom training activity. Therefore, a higher quality is required in the follow-up phase to maximize what has been learned during the training phase. For this purpose, innovative and complementary products, processes and services can be developed to personalize and be more effective after training events. The goal is to create an educational experience that actively involves the client, pushing him to be the main character of the virtual and physical community of users attending the events.


Training events and transversal skills for business sector’s representative, whether they are managers of organizations already established on the market, start-up representatives or freelancers, are gradually acquiring a central role in company strategies. At the same time, initiatives aimed at developing transversal skills also attract people interested in this kind of experience, e.g. students. Events, training and related activities aim to enhance transversal skills such as negotiation and sales, leadership, marketing, strategy and personal development. For this purpose, the applied methods are not enough innovative or do not respond to the client's needs. In fact, one of the main difficulties in planning, organizing and conducting training events for experts are improving the relationship with the customer and developing an engaging and active loyalty. It is therefore intended to enhance the experience of the individual user, introducing products, processes, services that are able to customize and make an effective follow-up of training.


Improving professional and managerial skills is a priority for companies in order to develop human capital, consolidate and generate new competitive advantages based on know-how and international openness. The need for change management is increasingly affecting the ability of training to act as a business lever. In this context, there are frequent integrated projects in which business managers, HR managers, training managers, management schools and consulting companies are collaborating. The latest surveys and industry operators show that managerial training is been recovering.
A recent survey conducted by the Manageritalia Observatory of 770 managers showed that the most significant skills for today's managers are the management, development and evaluation of people and the ability to manage costs and budgets. Based on the results of the interviews, particular attention deserves leadership, negotiation and strategy vision. Is emerging the need for a new practical approach to marketing negotiation, persuasion and leadership strategies that looks to the most innovative and effective techniques to acquire new customers and promote products.


In order to guarantee continuity in learning transversal skills even outside the single event or training activity for experts, two types of products, processes and services are required. On the one hand, the client should be actively involved in regular exercises on the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the training events. On the other hand, the follow-up of frontal activities should offer the user creative tools and solutions for measuring their own performance. These tools could foresee increasing levels of difficulty and put in contact the clients who have participated in the same event/training course. In this way would be favoured the sense of belonging to a virtual/physical community, the share/comparison between users' experiences and push to improve the individual and group performance.