New features added!

We’ve just added some new features to the platform as we prepare for the full launch in September.

While the plaform is in Beta, with one city (Galway) serving as a live test case, we’re using Galway’s newsroom to make announcements like this. The FAQs have also been updated.

So, what’s changed?

Once you’ve registered to the site, your User Menu now allows you to Get involved in a City:

Above: the ‘global’ User Menu, accessible to all logged in users by clicking ‘My Account’ (top right)

Get involved in a city

The links from your User Menu to the various City Challenges - currently only Galway is listed - take you to your User Menu for that City:

Above: Galway User Menu. At this point, you have not yet created your Public Profile in Galway

Here you can

Create your Personal Profile for that City

As set out in FAQ: How can I create a Personal Profile?, a Personal Profile is a prerequisite for getting involved. The good news: once you create a Profile in one city, you’ll be able to import and edit it for other Cities, so why not give it a try?

Create your Organisation’s Profile for that City (once your Personal Profile has been approved).

As set out in FAQ: How can I create an Organisational Profile?, an Organisational Profile is a prerequisite for proposing a Challenge or Making a Pitch, and can be linked to the Personal Profiles of the organisation’s team.

Take note: Organisation profiles cannot be imported from one city to another, however, so profiling your organisation during the Beta phase only makes sense if you’re in Galway!

What's next?

Our focus now is on building the features that the Cities themselves need to get their part of this platform ready for the September launch. Subscribe to stay informed.