Making conscious consumption of fashion mainstream

A solution by Endlos Fesch - The Vienna Fashion Library submitted to Make conscious consumption mainstream in Vienna

Endlos Fesch is the first fashion library in Vienna renting out unique and high quality clothing. Our members take advantage of an endless wardrobe full of sustainably sourced fashionable items, thereby pursuing an eco-friendly lifestyle. We are an innovative social business that extends the product lifecycle of clothes, reduces the amount of textile waste, raises awareness of slow fashion and encourages members to take up conscious and sustainable consumption patterns.

(Pitched: 21/12/2017)

One Page Summary

Endlos Fesch – the Vienna fashion library aims at offering an alternative to the prevailing unsustainable consumption patterns in the clothing industry in Austria. The cycle of this consumption pattern begins with the production of cheap clothing, which is manufactured under precarious working and production conditions. Consumers buy these unethically produced products because they are cheap and give them the opportunity to change their outfit often without investing a lot of money. The problem is multiplied by the fact that people on average wear their Fast Fashion products only about 1.7 times before they thrown away. This results in an estimated 80,000 tonnes of clothing waste annually in Austria, which pollute the environment.

Endlos Fesch - The Vienna Fashion Library is a social enterprise based at the Impact Hub in Vienna where customers can rent fashionable clothing and accessories for a low monthly fee. We are offering high quality clothes for women, sourced from local designers who apply the concept of upcycling and/or produce ethically and sustainably. By making these high-quality products available to a large client base and thanks to the clothes being constantly reused and sustainably washed and dried, this concept will actively raise awareness of the slow fashion movement. Instead of buying low quality and low priced clothing that will be discarded to landfills, we promote green and sustainable consumption and resourcefulness.

Endlos Fesch makes high-quality products available to a large number of clients and raises awareness for the slow fashion movement, reusing clothing and ensuring that customers take up conscious consumption practices. This will also be done through information lectures on topics such as slow fashion, recycling & upcycling etc. as well as the provision of workshops on sustainable clothing and waste reduction.

The social and environmental impact of Endlos Fesch relates to the conservation, reuse and reintegration of valuable resources into the value chain, waste prevention, and the behavioural change of customers in relation to fast fashion and promoting conscious consumption patterns. Indirectly, our activities also contribute to reducing energy consumption and reducing CO2 emissions in Vienna.

As a result of our services, customers will buy fewer low quality, low priced items and less clothing will be discarded to landfills. In addition, the sharing model will benefit local and sustainably producing designers, as their products are being promoted and more people can have access, especially people living on a low income. Furthermore, we pass on collected worn out clothes to upcycling designers and fashion schools, thereby existing resources are recycled to fulfil a new purpose. As a result, customers will produce less clothing waste and therefore contribute to waste prevention and reduction in Vienna.

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