BiLLiTii platform

A solution by BiLLiTii submitted to Make conscious consumption mainstream in Vienna

BiLLiTii focuses on the developement of an online plattform where people with and without disabilities work on solutions to overcome individual hurdles. To reach that goal BiLLiTii operates a „special interest network“ and offers it’s target group a web- and mobile application where people share achievements, get information and connected with peers to work together on solutions for individual challenges. We believe that the greatest knowledge is stored within our society and this is what we want to make accessible to everyone!

(Pitched: 22/12/2017)

One Page Summary

After an accident or illness, the path to a self-determined life is often marked by pretty strong hurdles. Since this situation is completely new, affected persons are insecure and rarely able to find out what options are open to them. Networking with people who have mastered similar challenges creates an exchange of experiences that quickly leads to solutions in mastering different obstacles.

BiLLiTii as an inclusion company operates a "special interest network" and provides the user with its services through a website and through a mobile application.
The aim of BiLLiTii is that people with impairments as well as their environment, their families and friends receive inspiration, role models, possibilities and actual solutions for the fullest possible participation in society. BiLLiTii therefore will act as motivator, initiator and crosslinker. In the beginning BiLLiTii adresses people with mobile limitations but will extend it’s services to other affected groups in the future.

BiLLiTii as an initiator - BiLLiTii inculdes inspirational and personal stories of affected role models who successfully managed to tackle their challenges and thus shows the community the many possibilities and offers there are. At BiLLiTii everybody an be an role model by telling a story worth to tell which simultaniously provides a possible solution for others interested in those activities.  

BiLLiTii as a motivator - BiLLiTii, in consultation with the community, is constantly focusing on topics and collecting exciting information that is provided via a website and the BiLLiTii-App. Organizations, clubs and companies with a special offer for people with impairments will have the opportunity to directly inform and reach the target group about innovations and activities.

BiLLiTii as a crosslinker - BiLLiTii enables an exchange within the community. Each user can contact other members based on the topic of their individual concerns. Through the use of innovative mobile communication technology, these questions can be played directly to the relevant user. If an injured person with a lower leg prosthesis is interested in a sport, open questions will be answered easily and simply by the community. BiLLiTii connects experts with similar interests, but also their families, friends and interested parties to enable participation of the individual One.